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Showing posts from December, 2007

Who Am I?

I have to admit, since Sawyer's birth , things have been a little crazy around the ol' MonkShack . So, after almost a week of Debra prodding and poking at me, I finally gave in yesterday to get out of the house and go see a movie. Our thinking was that a movie would be a nice, two-hour break from reality, giving me a chance to focus on something other than Sawyer and, as a bonus, it was cheap (well, cheaper than sending me to the mall at least....). I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I thought that I Am Legend would be a good movie to see. Now, in all honestly, I had some idea what the movie was about, but I didn't do too much research into the plot, etc. That was a mistake. Here's a little pointer, just in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation. If you've just had a baby and are emotionally and physically drained. Your internal reserves are near zero and you have trouble keeping a coherent thought in your head for more than a minute or two, do n